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Our Network

Developing competencies and networking are the foundations of our success.

Our consulting staff are members of APCO – Association of Management Consultants - and have earned the Certified Management Consultant CMC logo international certification administered by the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes (ICMCI) and recognized in 50 countries world-wide.

Francesco D’Aprile, Partner, “P&D consulting”:

  • Chairman of ICMCI, International Council of Management Consulting Institute, since Oct 2011.

  • Visiting Professor of Creative Management at GGSB - Grenoble Graduate School of Business - Grenoble
  • Guest Lecturer at school of economy and Management of Tsinghua University of Beijing
  • Guest Lecturer at International Management Institute of Kiev 
  • National Chairman of APCO, Italian Association of Management Consultants, 2004 - 2009
  • Italian Representative in BEST Expert Group at Enterprise Directorate General Unit E.1 Entrepreneurship of European Commission, Bruxelles
  • ICMCI accredited representative to the UN offices in  Geneva
  • Editorial Director of “META”, a bimonthly Management magazine published by APCO in cooperation with “Harvard Business Review Italy” magazine 2004 - 2009
  • Speaker at various international events: Foreseeing 2021 Taipei 2011; "The China Europa Forum 2010" held in Honk Kong; EDE - European day of Entrepreneurship in Zagreb; CEI - Central European Initiative - Summit Economic Forum: Sofia 2007, Tirana 2006 and Bratislava 2005; South Corean Conference on Management Consultancy and SMEs, Seoul, 2007; Sofia’s South Europe Economic Forum, 2006; Zagabria’s Forum “Social Entrepreneurship in the 21st century” , 2005; "Position of employers in Croatia", Rijeka, Croatia, 2006; "Structural Funds, programs and opportunities for Bulgarian firms", Plodviv (BG), 2006; Rome’s round-table “100,000 Quality Certifications” (2005)
  • Speaker - attendee at ICMCI international conferences (London, 2000 – Bonn, and Sidney 2001 – Lisbon, and San Francisco, 2002 – Ljubljana, and  Instanbul 2003 – Vienna and Vancouver, 2004 – Copenaghen, and  Beijing, 2005, Milan and  Moscow 2006, Rotterdam and  Dublin 2007, Stockholm and Singapore 2008; Prague, Chongquing, London, 2009, Bucarest, Amman and Washington 2010, Helsinki, Seoul and Taipei 2011)
  • CPA, officially registered in Bari, Italy


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